Hello! I have been pretty silent the last couple months. I felt like 2023 started off with a bang. I was really focused on writing and posting and then all the craziness started. Planning for vacation, working on getting a promotion at work and then just everyday stuff. I knew but tried to ignore how hard it would be to work full time and run this on the side, but man sometimes it’s tough and I apologize when I disappear. We were gone for a whole week on vacation in Disney World and for anyone who has been you know there is tons of planning that goes along with that trip. The planning makes it so much fun though. I came home and was sick for what felt like months but it was only weeks and now its already May.

I came home from Disney and it was snowing in the middle of March. Which yes its normal but I still don’t like it. We had mostly beautiful weather while we were down there and then came home to snow and freezing weather. It then started to feel like spring only to trick us and then more snow and cold weather. While we did have the warm week or so we took full advantage and visited some gorgeous Cleveland locations for spring blooms. I feel like it was such short lived and if you didn’t go that weekend to see them they were gone so quickly. I question is it because the weather got so cold again? Not really sure.
We made sure to stop by Lakeview Cemetery to see the Daffodils in full bloom. This cemetery is one of my favorite areas of Cleveland to go for a walk and just enjoy all the beauty. It is very peaceful and I wish the daffodils would have lasted longer. The daffodils fill up one of the hills at Lakeview and are just so gorgeous with all the bright yellow color. We also visited Wade Oval Lagoon to see the Cherry Blossoms. I will admit I’m at the museums or that area pretty often and have never visited the lagoon. I was missing out on so much and never knew it. We visit a park/pond like this when in Nashville and I never realized we had something similar right here at home. It just supports my outlook you never know what you may find and to keep exploring. Cleveland and Ohio has so much to offer. Anyway the cherry blossoms were not all in full bloom but pretty close and I really enjoyed visiting this area. I will for sure will be back this summer to enjoy the view of the lagoon and take a full walk around it since I didn’t have time that afternoon.
I feel like so many exciting things happened this spring. The Cavs made it to the playoffs with home court advantage. They did not play well once there but they are young and I’m going to try and be as positive as I can be. It was still amazing to be back in the playoffs and I just love the atmosphere of playoff basketball. It’s going to be a long off season and I can’t wait to see what next season brings. I’m not liking the rumors flying around about trading Okoro. I think we need his defense and I really like him but as I learned this playoff season our coaching staff and management doesn’t listen to little old me LOL!! One of my friends thinks I have a future in a podcast about sports and I won’t deny that sounds amazing. Maybe one day.
I’m hoping to get back to writing weekly reviews and posting so much more. I have so many Cleveland restaurant reviews to share in the upcoming weeks, some trip reviews from our Disney trip and some other travels and Cleveland events in the future. This week is finally going to be nice weather in Cleveland so make sure to get out there and explore all Cleveland has to offer and send over any suggestions of places to visit, restaurants to try or just anything you think is special in Cleveland.