Last year we stopped in and checked out Wild Goose’s Lent menu. It does look like they have kept the same specials as last year. Which means I will for sure be back for some lobster ravioli pizza and seafood stuffed mushrooms. Both were amazing and at the top of my list last year. The fish dinner wasn’t my favorite but it also wasn’t the worst I had.
Last Fridays choice for a fish dinner was Wild Goose in Willoughby, Ohio. It is in the downtown Willoughby area down by Fiona’s, the coffee house that is also owned by the same family. This has become one of my favorite sit-down pizza restaurants in the area and I will eventually do a full review but for now we are just going to cover their Lent specials.

So I never realized that Wild Goose had a Lent menu, but I am glad it caught my eye and I couldn’t wait to try it. We decided to try about half the menu. Trying the Fish Fry, the Lobster Ravioli Pizza and the Seafood Stuffed Mushrooms. The seafood dip is on their regular menu if you are ever interested and part of the reason we opted to try some of the other items.

The Fish Fry was much better than I would have guessed from a restaurant that specializes in pizza. The cod was nice and crispy and I enjoyed the fish both with and without the house tartar sauce. The cut of the fish was thicker, so if you like thinner cuts of meat or fish it might be a little too thick. The tartar sauce was something that really stood out. It had a very unique flavor and you could tell it was homemade. I did not try the cajun bleu slaw but my friend said that the aftertaste was very blue cheesy and she did not really taste the cajun hint of the slaw. She said, “it was good just not her favorite”. I can say that the goose fries are some of the best fries I have had. I wish I could explain why but you just have to try them they are amazing. The fries are curly but thick cut fries. Whether by themselves or topped they are so good.

Next we tried the Seafood Stuffed Shrooms, which I was the only one that actually tried these. Everyone else I was with does not like mushrooms. The cream cheese was mixed well with the shrimp and crab. Every mushroom was filled full with the seafood mixture, not just cheese and then came with cheese on top. If you like mushrooms and seafood these were a great appetizer.

Lastly, we tried the Lobster Ravioli Pizza. I had been dreaming about this pizza since I saw the menu and it did not disappoint. It was the star of the dinner. I love Wild Goose’s pizza because I love the thinner crust, the brick oven flavor and all the amazing toppings. Well this was just as impressive. One of my friends does not eat lobster and tried this and actually liked it. I liked the vodka sauce instead of a marinara. It is a lighter sauce and it worked very well with the other toppings. I like that they used local Ohio City Pasta on the pizza. The Ohio City pasta tasted just like I thought homemade ravioli should taste and was really what made the pizza in my opinion. I never would have thought ravioli on a pizza would work but it did. When it came to the lobster, it has such a bland taste compared to everything else on the pizza it was hard to know you were eating it, which as a lobster lover I would have like to have noticed it more but also feel like because of it being more on the milder side, it worked very well with the other toppings. Over all this pizza was just as amazing as I thought it would be and even if you are not much of a seafood fan I would still give it a try.
I was very excited and nervous for this menu when I saw it. I have a love for their pizza but did wonder how their Lent menu would be. I am so glad I went and tried it and highly suggest if you are looking for a different type of pizza on a Friday during lent or some fish I would stop in.