I decided to take a mental break during the holidays and just enjoy relaxing. But now that 2021 is upon us I would like to look back at the positives from 2020 and look forward to the future of life and my blog. This project was something I always wanted to do and I had a vision for it that took a huge turn when the pandemic hit. I was only a couple months in when Covid-19 became a thing and the whole world changed. I knew I had to stay positive and be patient.
2020 did have some positives. I was always so busy and never realized I would be okay slowing down some and last year for sure did that. We went from being super busy the first two months of the year to BAM everyone stay home. I got back in the kitchen and started cooking again. Which I forget how much I enjoyed cooking. I always was super healthy and then life just got away from us, so slowing down really helped out with eating healthier and making time to work out. I also feel like for me 2020 was great for spending time with family or friends. I kept my group small and really enjoyed the time I spent with the couple people that were around. Bella and Sasha, my dog and cat have loved having us home more. It’s also been really nice spending more time with my husband.

Do I miss going to concerts, sporting events, traveling and socializing? OF COURSE!!! But I believe in making the best of every situation which is exactly what I have tried to do through this whole process.
Summer of 2020 was the summer of ice cream tours, baby pool drinking hangouts in the drive way, cooking on the grill more, and enjoying restaurant patios. We made memories that we will talk about forever and grew closer friendships. The nights of playing cards or just sitting outside laughing and just being ridiculous.

Now that the weather cooled down we have started going to brunch once or twice a month and some of those reviews will be coming out soon. We tried Top Golf for my husbands birthday. The holidays were a little tougher as we have all been trying to keep our parents as safe as can be and not spending the holidays with big groups of family members was super weird. I cooked both Christmas Eve and Christmas dinner at home just my husband and I. My Gram would be so proud of my Christmas Eve dinner. We rang in 2021 with just 5 of us playing cards laughing at the New Years Eve special on tv. I have no words.

Well now that it is officially 2021 I plan on being just as positive. We all have things that we say we want to do but never do, or start doing and then life gets in the way. For me it is sticking to my more healthy lifestyle, working out more and really focusing on my blog and other ventures that I would love to add along with the blog.
I am hoping for some more restaurant reviews, sharing more recipes with everyone, and maybe we will be able to get some traveling or concerts in at some point this year. 2020 taught me that it is okay to slow down and enjoy the little things. There is no need to be at everything or go every where. It is okay to sit at home, relax and enjoy life.
I enjoy sharing my experiences with everyone and during times like this life is not always so easy. I hope I can share an experience that gets you out of the house, or a new recipe that you try and it turns out fabulous. I hope I can be that inspiration to get into the gym, or go for a walk or whatever your goals are for 2021.
I hope 2021 is good to everyone and we can all share amazing experiences with each other!
I love this 😀 ❤ thank you
Thank you! Can’t wait to see what the next year brings.