So it’s been awhile since I have written anything as I have not been sure what to write or even how to feel. I mean what is even normal anymore? I didn’t feel it appropriate with all this not normal and sadness to write about the next place you should go check out or the next fun thing to do. I do understand that this might help some people pass the time and I plan on getting back to it now that I have had some time to process all of this.
To be honest though, I’m still not sure how I feel about all of this going on. I have been watching closely the development of this virus across the world and it is very scary to me. I went to school for science so I really try to listen to the doctors and I am always trying to pay attention to the statistics. I try to not immerse myself in it as I feel my anxiety getting worse. I have only left my house to run to the grocery store, one day for a walk in the park (I will not be doing that again anytime soon) and to pick up dinner from some local restaurants. I feel like it has been forever since I have seen most of my family and friends except virtually and even that can be difficult. I worry about my parents as they are not young anymore and both are more at risk.
I try to find peace that at this time, that myself and my family are healthy and trying to stay as safe as we can. My husband is still working with the public everyday and everyday he leaves I pray he is safe. I have tons of respect for the essential workers out there and hope that they are doing all that can be done to be safe as well.
I have been trying to look for the light in all of this. I have always been a busy body. Running from one job to another job, to a sporting event, to a restaurant, to a birthday party… Well you get the point. I never stop and just take a breath. This has made me do that and made me appreciate the little things even more. I have taken this time to focus on my mental and physical health, working out everyday and taking online yoga classes. I now understand why a lot of athletes add yoga to their workouts. It has really helped my anxiety.

I have always enjoyed cooking but am not home more than once or twice a week to cook. Now I am cooking at home breakfast, lunch and dinner and only eating out once or twice a week to support our local businesses. I am finding all these new recipes and getting to share them with friends and family.

Lastly, this time has given me the opportunity to spend more time with my husband and our fur babies. I take our dog for a walk at least once a day and just try to enjoy the calmness of life. My husband and I would sometimes only see each other once or twice a week or when one of us was running out the door to something we had scheduled. It has been nice to just hangout and enjoy each others company.
I have been noticing on social media all the local companies doing for other essential workers. Restaurants delivering food to the hospitals or giving discounts. There are these stories of younger people shopping for the elderly or their neighbors. We are really all trying to come together and do whatever we can for each other. I know that is why I have still been getting take out from local restaurants a couple times a week.
I know times are rough right now. You want to feel blessed you still have a job to go to but then there is the fact that depending on what you do you are putting yourself at risk. People are trying to home school their children, sometimes multiple ages which cannot be easy. I cannot say that I understand every situation but I feel for everyone as we are all going through something during this time. The only thing we can do is try to look for the light in this, the positive in all of this. I know it does not seem like there is much right now but any little bit to lift some spirits.
I hope everyone who follows me, and who happens to come across my blog in this weird time is healthy, safe and doing whatever they can do to make their new normal work for them and their families.

Love this! So proud of you!
Thank you! I am finally learning how to reply to comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it can help someone having a bad day or week or month.
Thank you!!!