So I have been quiet lately and I apologize for that. I just felt like with everyone going through something different the last couple months it just was not the right time to be sharing entertainment and such. Now that things are hopefully getting back to semi normal life I have so much to share and say.
For starters, this blog thing has been a dream of mine for a while now but I was not sure if I could do it. I was never good at writing papers in college and sometimes I’m not sure of the right things to say. I then realized that if you really want to do something you have to just go for it. Not everyone is going to agree with my opinions of places or things that I think are fun to do but that is why I am doing this, to share my opinions and to get other people’s opinions. I know that my blogs are not always going to be written in perfect grammar or have the right spelling of there or their. I suck at that. That’s just me! But I want them to be my real opinions and to reflect who I really am. If I go to a place and I didn’t enjoy it I am going to tell you exactly why. I always try to be honest in life and that is my goal with my blog as well to just share who I am, what I enjoy and hopefully meet so cool people along the way.
Second, I know that when I started this I wanted it to be all about Cleveland entertainment and Cleveland area restaurants but I now know I want this to be so much more than that. Since this Covid quarantine thing I have had more time to spend at home enjoying my house, doing renovations, spending time with my family (husband and fur babies). I got back into really enjoying cooking again and cooking real meals not just a quick thing once or twice a week when we decided to not go out. I started a garden for the first time ever and might even get some cucumbers and tomatoes. I also started a weight loss journey, joining Weight Watchers, right as Covid happened. And to be honest being quarantined at home probably helped me change my life style when it came to eating and helped me get use to a new way of thinking. I still eat out now that we can again but have made it a point to cook a lot more.
Lastly, I know the last couple months has been rough for some people and for some they are still struggling and everyone in different ways. I was always out and about and around people and BAM then it just stopped. It was an adjustment for sure. I tried to stay positive and took it all in. Appreciating whatever little things I could during the last couple months. Now that I am use to the slower paced lifestyle I enjoy sitting at home on a Friday night and I don’t feel like I have to go out or like I am missing something. I take the time to work on my house projects or take the dog for a walk. The last couple weeks I have taken time to enjoy one of my favorite things about Cleveland, Lake Erie and the rivers. Growing up I was on or near the water, and then life takes over. So it has been nice lately to just enjoy all the beauty Cleveland has to offer. My husband and I and our close friends started doing an ice cream tour. We love getting ice cream and one night we were like what can we do this summer since there is very little to do and this idea to go to a bunch of different ice cream places popped up. I can’t wait to share as we have found some really good and some not really good places. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments we would love to check them out!

I have tons of content guys and am going to try to start sharing much more now that life is getting back to whatever normal is. I hope it stays that way but even if it doesn’t we have to stay positive and enjoy the little things in life.