Where is your favorite place to enjoy the holidays? For me it’s one of two places, Disney World or at home in Cleveland with family and friends.
The holiday season is always so busy and this year was no exception. Only having three weeks in-between Thanksgiving and Christmas did not help at all. We tried to jam pack as much of Cleveland’s holiday offerings as we could into this three-week time frame. Some of these things will end at Christmas, others promptly on New Years Day and some you will have a week or two more to enjoy. I have my traditions that are always a must and then enjoyed some places I have never been to before.

My first tradition with some of my friends is the tree lighting in the city of Willoughby. They have a cute little downtown area with tons of restaurants and shops. Also the place where one of my favorite restaurants Sol is located. They light up the old court house, the Main Street, put up multiple trees and this year they added fireworks. This holiday celebration lasts all weekend with a 5K run on Saturday, ice sculpting and deals at some of the shops. This little area has all kinds of events but this is one not to miss. Even Santa makes an appearance to celebrate the lights finally being lit.

Next we always try to go see the lights in Public Square in Downtown Cleveland and at the Jack Casino. They decorate the windows at the Casino just like they did when I was a child. These photos are from multiple years of enjoying the lights and they do change them up some. This year they had selfie stops with Polar Bears and snowflakes. Just to name a few.

Last year we visited the Cleveland Botanical Gardens for Glow, their holiday celebration. This year it runs until January 4th, so you have a couple more days left. They have Christmas trees decorated all through out the gardens, a little train running for the kids, gingerbread houses that took place in their gingerbread competition, and different musical groups through out the day.

While down in University Circle I also visited the Cleveland Art Museum because the atrium area is just so beautiful. The whole University Circle area is decorated and they have an ice rink set up as well.

The newest area I visited this year was the Playhouse square area. My friends and I have season tickets but for some reason we had not been down for the holidays. This year we saw Mean Girls and it just happened to fall around the perfect time. Outside the Playhouse is decorated with a lit up ornament that you can either take a selfie in or have some one take your picture with the Playhouse Square sign behind you. Inside the Allen Theater is all decorated with multiple Christmas Trees decorated by different Cleveland organization. Unfortunately, this ended on December 23rd but next year go see one of the many holiday plays and enjoy the beautiful decorations.

I hope with some of the extra time off this week you will be able to go and enjoy some of what Cleveland has to offer and it’s holiday lights. Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday and has a Happy New Year!!!!