One more weekend of this amazing event is left and if you have not checked it out I highly recommend it. We have attended every year the zoo has put this on and it never disappoints. Every year the lanterns change and I honestly do not think we have seen the same things twice. We always go early so we can walk the zoo while it is still light out and then walk it again when everything is lit up.
We always grab dinner before hand and honestly this year we regretted that as they had some of Cleveland’s Asian restaurants there as food options. We did walk around the pavilion and there were many options including sushi, fried rice egg rolls and Mochi ice cream. I would have loved to try something from each place but I was just too stuffed from dinner.
Most of the animals are already put away for the night but we did get to see the tigers, which we have cubs that are so cute. The leopards and red pandas were also out in the new Asian section. The red pandas were running around and acting super crazy. The only other animals that were out were the elephants and they even had lights on where they hang there hay so you could see them after dark.
As for the lanterns I really liked the purple tunnel you walk in when you enter the zoo. The pink fish and corals were super vibrant. The snake and dragon you walk through are super cool. The kids also really like the light up swings and the light up stars.
I will have more videos and photos on my Instagram (@justaclevelandgirl) and Tik Tok (@justaclevelandgirl). Make sure to check them out and let me know your thoughts of this years lantern festival if you have been there.